Create a Letterhead
In this section, you'll create a letterhead and turn it
into a template so that you can use it anytime you want.
What is a Letterhead?
A letterhead is some form of design for your stationary. Typically, a name and address would be included in a letterhead, along with contact details. A logo is often incorporated into a letterhead. The one you're going to be designing is this one:
To design a letterhead like the one above, three elements
were used: AutoShapes, a Textbox and a Line.
To make a start, click the Office button (or the File tab in Word 2010
and Word 2013) and select New > Blank Document. In your new blank
document, press the enter key on your keyboard. Keep it held down and
let go about halfway down the blank page, thus giving yourself some
working space. We'll add the pyramid logo first.
Adding a Pyramid Word 2007
The pyramid is one of the built-in clip art pieces. To add it, select the Insert tab from the Word ribbon. Click Clip Art on the Illustrations panel. From the Search in menu on the right, select the AutoShapes item in Word 2007:
Then click the Go button to display the AutoShapes.
You should see the pyramid shape amongst them:
Adding a Pyramid Word 2010
In Word 2010 select the Illustration category on
the Insert tab. The pyramid is about a third of the way down.
Click on the pyramid with your left mouse button. The shape will then
be inserted onto your blank page. However, it will be a bit big. Use
the sizing handles to resize it. Or click the Format tab at the
top of Word. From the Size panel, enter 3 cm for the height and
4.5 cm for the width. (In inches the figures are 1.18 and 1.77.)Hold your left mouse button down on the shape and drag it towards the middle somewhere (we'll reposition it later). Deselect your shape by clicking anywhere else on the page. You should have no sizing handles around your pyramid before continuing.
Adding a Pyramid Word 2013
In Word 2013, you have a SmartArt item on your Illustrations panel (Insert Ribbon):
Click inside each of the three text areas and delete the
hyphen using the backspace key on your keyboard:
Now click somewhere on the white borders to select just your pyramid. Locate the SmartArt Styles panel and then click Change Colour:
Text Boxes
We'll add the address to a text box, that way it can be moved around the page.To add a text box to your page, make sure your Insert tab is select at the top of Word. Locate the Text panel and click the Text Box item:
When you click the Text item, you'll see a menu appear.
This one:
Select the first item, Simple Text Box.
When you click on a text box, it should appear on the page with some
default text inside it:
Delete the default text and type an address in it:
One thing you may notice is that there is too much space
between each line of text. To reduce the space, highlight all of the
address. Now right click on the highlighted area. From menu that appears,
select Paragraph:
You will then see a dialogue box appear:
From the Paragraph dialogue box, select the option at the bottom "Don't
add space between paragraphs of the same style":With the text still selected, centre it in the normal way (from the Home menu).
Your page should now look like this:
Click inside of your text box to select it. If your Format menu at the top of Word is not showing, click on that to select it as well. From the Format menu locate the Text Box Styles panel (Word 2010 and 2013 will say Shape Styles instead). Then click the Shape Outline item:
(The text box itself actually has a white background. To get rid of it, or choose a different colour, you would do so from the Shape Fill menu. Select No Fill for a transparent background, or select a colour from the list.)
Click inside of your text box to select it, if it's not already selected. Now click on any of the sizing handles. Once you do that, you be able drag your text box into position below your pyramid. You can also hold down the CTRL key on your keyboard, and then press an arrow key to move your text box around.
Once your text box is in position, your page should look something like this:
You can also use the Size panel on the Format menu to change the height of your line. Enter a figure of 5.8 cm (2.28 inches) for the height, and leave the width on 0.
With your line still selected, use the CTRL and arrow keys to move your line closer your text box.
To change the colour of the line, use the Shape Outline menu again.
Also on the Shape Outline menu is a Weight item. Click on this to see the different line sizes you can use. In the image below we've chosen a weight of 1½ points:
Once you've selected all three objects, group them together like you did in the last section (From the Format > Arrange menu.)
Adding columns to a pageBefore moving our new letterhead logo into position, we can set up some columns at the top. That way, the logo can go in the right column and you'll be able to type in the left one. If that's not too clear, don't worry - you'll see how it works.
With the selection made, click the Page Layout
tab at the top of Word. Locate the Page Setup panel and the Columns
When you click on Columns a menu will appear. This one:
Select Two from the menu. Two columns will then
be set up on your page, but just for the area you selected. To test
this out, drag your new logo to the top right. Now click on the top
left of your page. You should see something like this:
Note the ruler bar at the top. The white areas are your
two columns. (If you can't see a ruler, click the View tab at
the top of Word, then select Ruler from the Show/Hide
If you now click halfway down the page the two columns will disappear.
What this means is that you can have your logo on the right, and a send-to
address on the left. Outside of the columns, you can type a letter across
the full width of the page. The image below shows this in action:
As you can see, our logo is on the right and an address
on the left. The text of the letter stretches across the page.
Now that you have your page setup the way you want it,
you can save this as a template, so that you can reuse it whenever you
want. We'll do that in the next lesson.
Saving Word documents as a templateSaving a document as a Word template is fairly straightforward in Office 2007 or 2010. So, from the round Office button in the top left of Word 2007, select Save As. You should the following options appear:
Click on Word Template from the list and you'll see the
Save As dialogue box appear:
In Word 2010, click on the File tab, then the Save
As item from the left menu. You'll see the same dialogue box as
above. Click the Templates item in the top left of the dialogue
In Word 2013, click File then Save As. From
the area on the right, select Computer. Then click the Browse
button to display the dialogue box above.
When you have selected the folder, you should see the area to the right change. Ours has two folders, Document Themes, and SmartArt Graphics. Word 2010 users will also see a LiveContent folder. The second thing to notice is the File Name and Save as Type areas at the bottom of the dialogue box. The Save as Type area says "Word Template". In round brackets you can see the Type of file it is - a DOTX file. The DOTX signifies a template file. If yours says DOCX instead of DOTX then click on the Save as Type box to see the file type menu. Select DOTX from the list:
For the file name we have typed letterhead. But you can
call it anything you like. Note that the extension is also showing -
(If you can't see a file extension then see this tutorial on our site:Once you have chosen a file name, click the Save button at the bottom. To check if it worked, click the round Office button in the top left (Word 2007). Click New and a dialogue box should appear:
From the left, under Templates, click on My
In Word 2013, click New. On the right hand side you'll
see two items Featured and Personal. Click on Personal
to see your templates. Simply select onefrom the list to open up a new
document based on your template.
In both Word 2007 and Word 2010, when you click on My
Templates, you will see another dialogue box appear. This one:
You should then see the template you have created, letterhead.dotx
in our case. Click this item to select it, and then the OK button at
the bottom of the dialogue box. You will then have a new letterhead
document, complete with the logo you created.
And that's just about it for templates. You should now be able to create
a template from any Word document that you create. Before we leave the subject, however, be aware of all the inbuilt templates that you can use. If you click on Installed Templates instead of My Templates, you'll see the ones immediately available to you, ready to adapt to your own needs. There are also a lot of templates available under the heading Microsoft Office Online, or Templates in Word 2010. These are ones that you download from the internet. Again, you can adapt them to your own needs. Word 2013 users will see lots of templates under the Featured heading. You'll also be able to type into the search box to go online and look for more. |
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