Microsoft Word 2007-2013 Part-8

Downloading the Stories

In this section, we're going to create a booklet. Our booklet will have a cover page, a contents page, page numbering, and some clip art. You'll also learn about section breaks, and about Word Styles.
The contents for the booklet can be found in the Extra_Files folder that you need to download. They are a series of short tales that we have translated from the original French. Before doing so, however, if you don't know how to save and access a zip file, read below.

How to Save and Open Zip Files

Click on the link above with your right mouse button. From the menu that appears select Save Target As (or Save Link As if you use Firefox to browse the internet). You'll then see a dialogue box where you can choose a location on your computer to save the file:
In the image above, we've created a new folder called Extra_Files, which we've placed in the Downloads folder. We're saving the zip file to this folder. Click the Save button and the file will be downloaded:
Download complete
Click the Close button, and not the Open or Open Folder buttons.
Now that you have downloaded the zip file, you need to unzip it. Open up an explorer window by clicking the round Start button in the bottom left of Windows 7 or Windows Vista. From the menu, select Computer. If you have Windows 8 you can do a search for the file name
Navigate to where on you computer you saved your zip file to:
A zipped file downloaded to a Windows 7 computer
To unzip this, right click the file and select Extract All.
The Extract All menu
You'll then see a dialogue box asking you where you want to save the extracted files to:
If you want to select a different location to the one in the box, click the Browse button. But click Extract and you'll see this:
The extracted folder
Double click the Extra_Files folder to see inside it:
The contents of the folder are the five stories that will make up your booklet.
With the files downloaded and extracted, we can make a start.
So click the Office button and click the New item from the menu, if you have Word 2007. If you have Word 2010 or Word 2013, click the File tab then the New item on the left menu. Then select the Blank document template.
Save your new blank document with the name Fairy Tales.

Inserting a Story

The first thing to do is to insert the stories.
Click the Insert tab at the top of Word and locate the Text panel. Click the arrow next to the Object item, and select Text from file:

The Text panel in Word 2007 and Word 2010
When you click on Text from file a dialogue box will appear. Navigate to your Extra_Files > Stories folder and select the Cendrillon file:
Click the Insert button to insert the file into your blank document.

Creating your own Style

The Home tab contains the Styles panel, which is quite large. Styles refer to the font and formatting options that you can use to quickly change some text on your page. Some Inbuilt ones are Heading1, Heading2, Normal, and Title. What we'll do is to create our own styles, one for the titles of the stories and one for the body text.
We'll set up a style for the titles first.
Highlight the title of the story, which is Cendrillon. Now select a font and font size. We've chosen Verdana at a size of 24 points, but feel free to select a different font and font size.
From the Paragraph panel on the Home tab, centre your title. Your page should then look like this: (Make sure you don't deselect your heading.)
The story title centred on the page
From the Styles panel click the bottom arrow on the list of styles, circled in red below:
The Styles panel in Word 2007 and Word 2010
When you click the arrow, you should see a list appear. Select the item that says "Save selection as a new quick style" (In Word 2013 it will say "Create a Style"):
Styles Menu item: Save selection as a new quick style
You should then see a dialogue box appear. Type a name for your style. We've called ours Fairy_Tales_Title:
Create new style from formatting
Click OK and your style will be added to the list:
The new style is added to the list
But the point about creating a style of your own is that you can then highlight some text and choose it from the list. Your selected text will then be formatted to match the style you set up.
Click anywhere in your document to deselect the heading.

Adapting an inbuilt style

You can also adapt a style that has already been set up. We'll adapt the Normal style, shown on the list above, the second item on the top row. The Normal style refers to all of the body text. In other words, all the text that is not a title.
To adapt a style, click with your right mouse button on the style you want to change. In our case that is the Normal style:
The Modify menu item on the Styles panel
From the menu that appears, select Modify. When you click Modify, you'll see a dialogue box appear. This one:
The Modify Style dialogue box
The Name of the style you're modifying is at the top (Normal, for us). Under the Formatting heading, you'll see a font dropdown box, along with a size option. You can also use the Bold, Underline, Italics, and alignment buttons.
But select a different font and font size from the dropdown boxes:
The font and font size has been changed
We've gone for Century Gothic as a size of 12 points.
Before you click OK, make sure to select the option in the bottom left that says "Only in this document". In other words, you only want to change the Normal style for this particular document, and not for every document you create.
Click OK and the body text of all seven pages of the story will change. (If you've chosen the same font and font size as us, there will now be eight pages to your story.)

Page Breaks and Section Breaks

When we add a new story, we want it to begin on a new page. To do this, you can add breaks. There are two types of breaks, page breaks and section breaks. Section breaks allow you to format things like headers and footers differently. For example, we don't want headers on pages with a title, but we do want them on other pages. Section breaks are ideal for this. If you didn't have them, each page would have the same header.
Scroll to the end of your first story, and left click on a new line. You should see the cursor flashing:

Cursor moved to the end of the story
Click on the Page Layout tab at the top of Word. Locate the Page Setup panel and the Breaks item:
The Page Setup panel in Word 2007 and Word 2010
Click on Breaks to see the following menu:
The Breaks menu
The one we want is Section Breaks > Next Page. What this does is to add a new page to your document, and a new section. Your cursor should now be flashing on the new blank page.
To check that you have indeed added a new section, have a look in the bottom left of word. You should see a Section area on your Status Bar:
The Section area on the Word Status Bar
If you can't see the Section area, right click on the blue bar. From the menu that appears, click on Section:
If you were to click onto, say, page 1 of your story, the Section part of the Status Bar will read Section 1 instead of Section 2.
But with your cursor flashing on your new blank page, and in section 2, insert a new story just like you did for the first one.
You should find that all the text in your new story is formatted to the same as the first one. In other words, it will be formatted to the Normal style that we modified. This is fine, but the title isn't.
So highlight just the title of your new story. To change the style to the Fairy_Tales_Title style you set up, click back on the Home tab to see all the styles. Although you could select the style from the list, click the small arrow in the bottom right of the Styles panel, circled in red in the image below:
The Styles panel
You should find that a menu will appear on the right of your screen, and stay there. To get rid of it, click that small arrow again. But the list displays all the styles that have been set up, including the one we want. So, with your title highlighted, click the Fairy_Tales_Title style from the list:
The extended Styles panel
Your title of the second story will then change to match the first one in your booklet.
Add the remaining three stories in the same manner as you did for the second one:
  • Insert a Section Break
  • Insert the story
  • Change the style of the title
When you're done, you should have a document with 5 stories. You should have 5 sections and 19 pages. (If you used a different font and font size than the one we used you may have more or fewer pages.)
We'll add a cover page and a contents page next. But we need two blank pages at the start. So move your cursor to the very start of your document, on the top line. (Hold down the UP arrow on your keyboard until it can't move any further.)
Now insert two more section breaks. (Page Layout tab, then Breaks > Section Break > Next Page.) Your first story will then start in Section 3. The first blank page will be Section 1, and the second blank page will be Section 2. With your cursor flashing at the top of Section 1, change your Style to Normal, if it's not already set to that style. Otherwise, when you press the enter key you may get the Fairy Tales Heading style for each paragraph instead.

Add a Cover Page to your Booklet

There are actually a few inbuilt cover pages, on the Insert tab, Pages panel. You can use one of these, if you like. However, reformatting them to suit your needs is a bit tricky. So we'll do our own. First, we can check that the Section breaks are in the right place.
Click back on the Home tab, and locate the Paragraph panel. Now look for the backwards P:
The Paragraph panel in Word 2007 and Word 2010
The backwards P is used to show or hide paragraph and symbol formatting marks. Click it once to activate it. You should see this at the top of your two blank pages:
You can zoom out using the plus and minus symbols in the Status Bar in the bottom right of Word. That way, you can see two pages on the screen at once. Or click the View tab, and then the Two Pages item on the Zoom panel.
You can change the margins for a single page. They are a bit too big on the cover page, at the moment. So we'll change them.
With your cursor flashing at the top of the cover page, click on the Page Layout tab. Locate the Page Setup panel. Click on the Margins item to see a menu appear. Then select Custom Margins at the bottom:
The Margins menu
When you click on Custom Margins you'll see a dialogue box appear. This one:
The Page Setup dialogue box
Change the margins to the following:
Top: 1 cm
Left: 1 cm
Right: 1 cm
Bottom: 1 cm
(If your measurements are in inches, use 0.4 instead of 1 cm.)
Look at the bottom of the dialogue box and locate Apply to. Set it to "This Section".
Your dialogue box should look like this before you click OK:
All the Margins have been changed
We'll set a border for our cover page. Before doing that, create some space on your page by holding down the Enter key on your keyboard. Keep it held down until the Section Break is at the bottom of your page: (If you go too far, hit the Backspace key)
A section break showing at the bottom of the page
You can now hide the formatting marks by clicking the backward P again (Home tab, Paragraph panel.)
To set a border for the cover page, click back on the Page Layout tab. (In Word 2013, click the Design tab instead of Page Layout.) Locate the Page Background panel and click the Page Borders item:
The Page Background panel in Word 2007 and Word 2010
When you click on Page Borders, you'll see the following dialogue box appear:
The Borders and Shading dialogue box
From the Setting list on the left, click on Box. You can create a Box type border by using the four items in the middle: Style, Colour, Width, Art. We'll use the Art item. So click the arrow to see the following list:
The Border Art dropdown list
You can select any one you like, but we've chosen a fancy one from the middle of the list.
Now locate the Apply to dropdown box on the right and set it to This Section:
Apply To : This Section
Before clicking OK, your dialogue box should look like this:
Page Border dialogue box
When you're done, click OK. Your cover page will then look like this:
The first page now has a border
You can still type onto this page. Click your left mouse button about half way up the page, and type a title. Type Fairy Tales. Change the font and font size.
Be careful of where your Section Break ends up when you change the font size. Click the backwards P again to check it's still at the bottom. If you add clip art or an image that is too big it will push the section break down onto page 2, and give you a border on this page as well. Use your backspace key to get the section break back onto page 1. Any border that appears on page 2 will then disappear.
Your page may now look something like this:
A title and border added to the first page
We used an Arial Black font at a size of 48. The title was then centred. We also changed the font colour. To change the colour of a font click the underlined A in the Font panel on the Home tab:
Changing the Font colour
With your title highlighted, select any colour you like.
You could add some clip art at this stage, just to liven the cover page up a bit. We'll leave ours, though. Again, be careful of where your section break ends up if you insert clip art.

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